Texas Seal

Texas Seal

American Symbols

State Flags



Davy Crockett

Davy Crockett
JFK - John Kennedy

Flags of Texas



American symbols

Texas State Flag

flag and Nickname

Big Picture of Texas State Flag

The Texas State Flag
The red white and blue State Flag of Texas depicts the stunning white lone star on the vertical blue background together with horizontal stripes of white and red. The Texas state flag serves as a symbol of honor, heritage and regional pride and is displayed at state buildings. The Texas State Flag is also flown on national and state holidays and on any other days proclaimed by the governor. There is an Order of Precedence for flags. State Flags are displayed in order they entered the Union.

Date entered the Union: 1845
Texas is the 28th state
Date the flag was adopted:1839


Facts on the Texas State Flag Etiquette
Facts and information about flying the ensign and the display of the Texas State Flag:

Texas State Flag - Display Facts
Fact 1: It may be flown every day in the 28th state when weather permits
Fact 2: It may be flown from sunrise until sunset. If it is displayed outdoors in the "Lone Star State", it should be flown from a flagpole

Fact 3: The Texas flag may be flown at night when properly lighted

Fact 4: The flagpole must be at least two and one-half times as long as the state flag

Texas State Flag

Picture of Texas Flag


Texas State Car Flags
Car Flags are often displayed to represent of an individual's allegiance to their state. Texas State car flags are used by their owners as mobile emblems of their home. Car flags are usually made from strong materials and are attached to a car via a pole and clip window attachment.

History, Description, Colors and Symbols of the Texas State Flag
The Texas state flag is the official identifying symbol of the state, the design of which is established by law in the constitution of the "Lone Star State". The importance of the flag is highlighted by the words of General Santa Anna who said

  "The Texans flatter themselves - they have a government
but are fighting under no recognized flag."

What does the flag stand for? The colors, devices and emblems displayed on the Texas State Flag are not arbitrary but have a definite symbolic meaning. The description, history and meaning of the symbols and colors are as follows:

Picture of Texas Flag

Capital: Austin
Date of Statehood: 29 December 1845
(28th state)
"Lone Star State"
Flag Ratio: 2:3

What is the design of the Texas state flag?   "The Texans flatter themselves--they have a government and are fighting under no recognized flag."--Santa Anna
 The design is is a blue vertical bar containing a single centered white star. The remaining field is divided into white and red horizontal bars
 The typically American combination of the colors red, white and blue symbolizes revolution and freedom
 The adoption of the colors red, white and blue symbolizes loyalty to the nation
What does the star symbolize?
 The Lone Star signifies Texas as a former independent republic and also serves as a reminder of the state's struggle for independence from Mexico (refer to Texan State Seal.)
 According to the ancient laws of heraldry a star symbolizes honor, achievement and hope and an emblem of leadership and excellence.
 Each point of the star on the flag has been given an unofficial meaning. The author and historian Adina Emilia De Zavala (1861-1955), a preservationist of Texas history who served on the executive council of the Texas State Historical Association, described how each point stands for the characteristics of an outstanding citizen which are: fortitude, loyalty, righteousness, prudence, and broadmindedness.
What are the colors and what do the colors mean, or symbolize, in heraldry?
 The color red is a symbol of hardiness, bravery, strength & valor
 The color blue symbolizes vigilance, truth and loyalty, perseverance & justice
 The color white is a symbol of peace and honesty
What is the shape and flag ratio? The 'Hoist' is the width and the 'Fly' is the length.
 The ratio is 2:3 meaning it is 2 units tall for every 3 units wide.
Who designed the Texas State Flag?
 The name of the designer is believed to be Dr. Charles B. Stewart but this has never been verified
What is the history of the Texas State Flag? 
 During the Texas War of Independence (October 2, 1835-April 21, 1836) many different flags were flown. The Texan Revolution was the military conflict between the government of Mexico and Texas colonists that resulted in the establishment of the Republic of Texas after the final Battle of San Jacinto and the incident of Vince's Bridge on April 21, 1836. (Refer to the Texas State Seal for additional info)
 The names of the flags flown during this period included the Lone Star and Stripes/Ensign of the First Texas Navy, the Come and Take It Flag, the Alamo Flag, the Dodson Tricolor and the Burnet Flag.
 The 'Come and Take It' flag was raised at the Battle of Gonzales, the first military engagement of the Texan Revolution, in October 1835 when the Mexican authorities tried to regain a cannon that was in the hands of the settlers.
 The Burnet Flag was used from 1836 to 1839 as the national flag of the Republic of Texas
 The Texas Lone Star and Stripes, used by the Texas Navy, was a variation of the US Flag with the addition of a lone, white star.

The Alamo Flag was not actually flown at the Battle of the Alamo but became become a symbol of the Texan's fight for freedom and independence. The design was created by replacing the Eagle in the center of the Mexican tricolor with the date "1824". This date was a reference to the 1824 Constitution of Mexico which Texas was fighting for.

 The Dodson tricolor was the first "Lone Star " design. It was created by Sarah Dodson (known as the "Betsy Ross of Texas" ) for her husband Archelaus of the Texas Volunteers. It was used during the siege at San Antonio and the capture of the Alamo. Two other Lone Star flags flew over the Alamo before its fall; the Troutman Flag of the Georgians and the McGahey Flag of Independence
Come and Take It Burnet FlagLone Star & StripesAlamo FlagDodson tricolor
Come and Take It Burnet FlagLone Star & StripesAlamo FlagDodson tricolor

1838: The final Texan flag was introduced to the Congress of the Republic of Texas on December 28, 1838, by Senator William H. Wharton and was adopted on January 25, 1839 as the final national flag of the Republic of Texas.


1879-1933 there was no official state flag and Texas was formally until the passage of the 1933 Texas Flag Code

 1933: Texas Flag Code adopted in the constitution
When was the Texas State Flag officially adopted by the state's legislature? (Most US flags were designed in 19th & 20th centuries)
 It was adopted June 30, 1839
What is the Pledge of Allegiance and Salute?
  The Pledge of Allegiance is as follows:

"Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee,
Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible."

 The salute should be made by standing at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart.
The Texas flag is kept and used as required by the code specified in the constitution of the state.

Texas State Flag for Kids

Meaning, history & Symbolism on Texas State Flag
"Friendship" motto of Texas
Find the symbolism, meaning and history
Meaning, History, Symbols & Origin of State Flag
State Flag symbols, design, description and history
Interesting facts, history & picture of the State Flag
Official State Nickname "Lone Star "

Facts, meaning and state history for schools, kids and children

Texas State Flag for Kids

US - American- Texas State Flag - Big Picture - History - Eitiquette - Description - Symbols - Symbolism - Pictures - Emblems - Symbolism - Iconography - State History - Facts - Symbols - Icons - Meaning - Flaggs - Design - Ratio - Flaggs - Shape - Colors - History - Origin - Facts - Info - Information - Kids - Children - Constitution -  History of the Texans

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