New Mexico Seal

New Mexico Seal

American Symbols

State Flags



JFK - John Kennedy

Picture of New Mexico Flag
Royal Banner of Aragon
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American symbols

New Mexico State Flag

flag and Nickname

Big Picture of New Mexico State Flag

The New Mexico State Flag
The bright golden yellow State Flag of New Mexico depicts the red symbol of the Zia sun symbol. The New Mexico flag serves as a symbol of honor, heritage and regional pride and is displayed at state buildings. The New Mexico State Flag is also flown on national and state holidays and on any other days proclaimed by the governor. There is a strict Order of Precedence for flags. State Flags are displayed in order as they entered the Union.

Date entered the Union: 1912
New Mexico is the 47th state
Date the flag was adopted:1925


Facts on the New Mexico State Flag Etiquette
Facts and information about flying the ensign and the display of the New Mexico Flag:

New Mexico State Flag - Display Facts
Fact 1: It may be flown every day in the 47th state when weather permits
Fact 2: It may be flown from sunrise until sunset. If it is displayed outdoors in the "Land of Enchantment", it should be flown from a flagpole

Fact 3: The New Mexico flag may be flown at night when properly lighted

Fact 4: The flagpole must be at least two and one-half times as long as the flag

New Mexico State Flag

Picture of New Mexico Flag


Zia Sun Symbol

Zia Sun Symbol

Meanings of the Zia Sun Symbol

New Mexico State Flag - Zia Sun Symbol
The New Mexico Flag
is dominated by the highly symbolic image of the Zia Sun Symbol. The indigenous tribe of Zia Indians of New Mexico, descendents of the Pueblo tribe, regard the Sun as a sacred symbol. Four is a sacred number to the Zia people that represents the Circle of Life, the number 4 can be found repeated on the Zia Sun Symbol.

Meaning of the Zia Sun Symbol
The sun is represented by the central circle and has groups of 4 rays pointing in four directions. The picture of the Zia Sun Symbol illustrates the sacred meanings of the symbol. The four seasons of the year (spring, summer, fall and winter, the four stages of the human life cycle (childhood, youth, adult and old age), the four points of the compass (north, south, east, and west) and the four time periods of each day (morning, noon, evening and night). The Zia Sun symbol also represents the four sacred obligations that each person must develop (a clear mind, a strong body, a pure spirit, and a devotion to the welfare of others).

New Mexico State Car Flags
Car Flags are often displayed to represent of an individual's allegiance to their state. New Mexico State car flags are used by their owners as mobile emblems of their home. Car flags are usually made from strong materials and are attached to a car via a pole and clip window attachment.

History, Description, Colors and Symbols of the New Mexico State Flag
The New Mexico flag is the official identifying symbol of the state, the design of which is established by law in the constitution of the "Land of Enchantment". What does the flag stand for? The colors, devices and emblems displayed on the New Mexico State Flag are not arbitrary but have a definite symbolic meaning. The description, history and meaning of the symbols and colors of the New Mexico State Flag are as follows:

Picture of New Mexico Flag

Capital: Santa Fe
Date of Statehood:
6 January 1912
(47th state)
"Land of Enchantment"
Flag Ratio: 2:3

Royal Banner of Aragon

What is the design of the New Mexico state flag?  
 The design is a red sun symbol of the Zia on a field of yellow.
What does the Zia Sun Symbol mean?
 The meaning of the Zia Sun Symbol is described above
What is the significance of the colors on the New Mexico State Flag?

The distinctive red and yellow colors to honor Queen Isabella I of Castile (1451-1504) and her husband King Ferdinand II of Aragon. These two famous Spanish rulers funded conquistadors to expand their empire in the New World during the 1500's that were initiated by the voyages of exploration by Christopher Columbus.


The ancient banner of Aragon is shown in the above picture. The marriage of Isabella and Ferdinand in 1479 united the Crowns of Castile and Aragon and this union union created Spain

What are the colors and what do the colors mean, or symbolize, in heraldry?
 The color red is a symbol of hardiness, bravery, strength & valor
 The color yellow or gold is a symbol of the sun, generosity and wealth
What is the shape and flag ratio? The 'Hoist' is the width and the 'Fly' is the length.
 The ratio is 2:3 meaning it is 2 units tall for every 3 units wide.
Who designed the New Mexico State Flag?
 The name of the designer of the New Mexico State Flag was Dr. Harry Mera
What is the history of the New Mexico State Flag? 

1920: The New Mexico Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution sponsored a competition to create a new design for a state flag.


Dr. Harry Mera, an archeologist and doctor from Santa Fe, won the contest with an interpretation of a Zia sun symbol discovered on a 19th century water jar found at the Zia Pueblo.

When was the New Mexico State Flag officially adopted by the state's legislature? (Most US flags were designed in 19th & 20th centuries)
 It was officially adopted September 18, 1920
What is the Pledge of Allegiance and Salute?
  The Pledge of Allegiance is as follows:

"I salute the flag of the state of New Mexico, the Zia symbol of perfect friendship
among united cultures."

 The salute should be made by standing at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart.
The New Mexico flag is kept and used as required by the code specified in the constitution of the state.

New Mexico State Flag for Kids

Meaning & Symbolism on New Mexico State flag
"It grows as it goes" New Mexico motto
Find the history and meaning of the State Flag
Meaning, History, Symbols and Origin for kids
Meaning, symbols, design, description and history
Interesting facts & picture of the New Mexico flag
Official State Nickname "Land of Enchantment"
Meaning of the New Mexico state flag for schools, kids and children

New Mexico State Flag for Kids

US - American- New Mexico State Flag - State - Facts - History - Description of the New Mexico State Flag - Symbols - Symbolism - Pictures - Emblems - Symbolism - Iconography - History - Facts - Symbols - Icons - New Mexico State Flag for Kids - Meaning - Flaggs - Design - Ratio - Flaggs - Shape - Colors - History - Origin - Facts about the New Mexico State Flag - Info - Information - Kids - Children - Constitution - New Mexico - New Mexico State Flag

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